Wow....I have been really neglectful in writing my own blogs here. I wrote three blogs for the Turtle Gardens website though. So, its not like I disappeared completely.
In case you missed it, I wrote a one week blog about Isabelle.
And I also wrote a blog about the Turtle Gardens reunion on the Island. Isabelle and I went over and camped out for a couple of nights.
Wearing her TG 'adopt me' bandana. (Thanks Aunty Del) |
Isabelle is a great travelling companion. She rides really well in the truck, and on the Ferry we sat outside in the shade on the car deck. At our campsite she just hung out without being leashed. She got along with all the other dogs - both camping and at the reunion. I haven't seen her really play with other dogs, she is mostly all about a short sniffing session and then she moves on. I think Yvette told me that she used to play with Martha (one of the dogs she came to TG with) so maybe she will play with other dogs if they were to be a new sibling. She has also proven to be very good with kids so far too. On the night before we left for the Island we went to Paula's place to pick up all of the TG display boards, t-shirts, etc. and the kids in her complex were all out in full force on their bikes. It started with two girls coming up to pet Isabelle and ended up with about 6 kids standing in a circle around her petting her. She just sits and takes it all in, enjoying the attention.
At the reunion she hung out in the shade and even when I ran back to the parking lot for a couple of things she just stayed put and would wag her tail when she saw me again. She is very comfortable in so many settings. If any food was brought out she scoped it out from many feet away and would be sitting at the feet of whoever was eating lunch.
Sending positive thoughts for the food to drop. |
She soaked up all of the attention from everyone and when it was time for the walk down to the beach I was so proud of how well she did.
Happy after a good dunk in the water. |
Her endurance is definitely building up and she also looks likes she's getting a waist. She went straight to the water at the beach and then came to lay at my feet. When it was time to head out of the park she hoofed it up the stairs and then up a bit of a hill, which I'm not so sure she would have done as easily a few weeks ago.
Asleep at the campsite...after a long day at the reunion. (Her leash is
harnessed around her so it doesn't drag on the ground.) |
On the Sunday when we headed for home I told Dave that I would foster the Gerbil and try to get Wren a home and so....I now have two TG animals in my home. Wren has a new cage and is very low maintenance so really no problem at all. I wrote a 2 day blog (
CLICK HERE) for Turtle Gardens to post in the hopes this would help find a good home that Wren could go to and he/she is also posted on Petfinder now.
I'll bet nobody else has used a TG bandana
for a Gerbil hammock yet. |
I haven't had a little pet since I was a kid. They are entertaining. It's fun to set up a cage and watch them enjoy certain elements of the world you created for them. Wren ran all around the new cage checking everything out and has enjoyed chewing up all the paper I put in there. I have been trying out different treats including veggies, gerbil treats and even dog treats. The treat that Wren likes the most so far is a Kaliwags dog treat that I picked up at the Petnership dog event. I haven't taken him out of the cage yet because he's still a little nervous in the new setting, so for now I just put my hand in the cage and let him get comfortable with me. I have picked him up a couple of times and he hasn't nibbled on me yet so a trip out of the cage will be in order real soon. Wren is cute but I'm not looking to adopt a gerbil so please help me find him a forever home.
1 comment:
Hey Isabelle,
You're looking a little trimmer there, Im certain. I fully understand just lazin' in the shade takin' in all the activities of the other dogs and peoples. I also do the same. I do sometimes like to romp but really only just a little bit. I think my waistline is starting to show as well. Im definitly feeling so much healthier. My mom says when I loose more she'll do up a blog for me showing my new stylin' waistline. Maybe I'll even pass you :-p hee hee
Take care of that lil Wren. She looks like a cutie but we can't ahve little critters in our house. King and P. Mollydawg....... well let's just say they "LIKE THEM" a liiiiiitttle tooo much!
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