Finding the perfect home is not always such an easy task for Turtle Gardens. For Whitespot it needs to be decided what the ideal home is and then find the people that offer that.
Decisions have to be made about....
House vs. Apartment
Other dogs vs. Only dog
Lots of dog experience vs. No dog experience
Adopters home all day vs. Working away from home
Dog left at home vs. Dog daycare
...and so on, and so on....
So many factors to consider and its not like the dogs can talk and tell you what they want. There have been a couple of applications for him and still no decision. Not only do you have to figure out what the dog needs the most but you also have to figure out if the people are adopting based on looks or on personality, rational vs. emotional decision making, and figuring out what they're willing to do and not do to keep a specific dog.
Take me for example, my ideal dog is a border collie personality but only if I also had my ideal lifestyle too. Reality is that I work all week and have other activities that I do and dog daycare all day every day is not financially feasible. The dog that probably best suits my ACTUAL current lifestyle is a couch potato that wants to be left at home when I go to work and is happy with some toys, etc., one good walk in the evening and a trip to the beach on the weekend. I haven't met this dog I foster. I can give each dog alot more by fostering than I can by adopting. I am doing what I think I can do the best.
Turtle Gardens makes the decision on who each dog is adopted to, but I do have input into what type of home I think they might be happiest with. Whitespot will not be adopted until we all feel satisfied that he is going to the right home for him, with no doubts. Like all the other dogs before him, and after him, he deserves no less.
Aren't you glad its not you deciding? Thank goodness TG has so much experience with this.
Maybe it's better that they can't talk afterall? |