During the Summer of 2010 I had witnessed some pretty funny things in Richmond while walking foster dogs. One hot day I saw Elvis pushing a shopping cart down No. 3 Road. He had on a red satin pantsuit with red cape and a very nice black wig to complete the ensemble. My only wish was that I had my camera with me rather than just the cell phone camera.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
THE PET SHOP BOYS - Fundraiser for Turtle Gardens
I went on Saturday to the The Pet Shop Boys fundraiser along with Wendy. They were providing a pawdicure service with the proceeds being donated to Turtle Gardens. Some customers made donations without the pawdicure service and I believe the Shop also donated some money from grooming as well.
‘Luxury boutique, spa and daycare”, is how they describe themselves and I’m not sure I could come up with a good enough way to describe my impression of this store. “WOW” came out of my mouth a lot and I was pretty much speechless to define just how impressed I was. A really different kind of pet store than I’m used to and a different breed of dog-owner too. A pug with a mohawk from head to tail belongs to one of the owners and they can shave stars or other designs into your dogs fur. Dogs with their new pawdicures and Christmas stencils on the pinky toe, because that’s the toe nail that will show it off the best, were coming and going from the Shop all day long. The Pet Shop Boys have a very caring and generous clientele.
These guys think of everything! There isn’t a square inch of that store that hasn’t had a lot of thought put into it and I’m sure people go in there and wish they had thought of it first. No effort is too much for these dogs and I’m sure the treatment they receive rivals some of the best spas for humans. They have dog daycare and they walk the dogs regularly throughout the day (which minimizes indoor waste). They have matching Shop raincoats for this little trek and some dogs even went on an outdoor adventure hike in the afternoon. They jumped in the truck and headed out for some off-leash time.
They have fabulous antique dog beds, plush pillows, doggie couture and grooming products. You just don’t see these items anywhere else. They even have ‘business bags’ that dangle from the leash and dispense doggy bags for pooper scooping. I think a visit to this store is well worth the trip to 15th and Cambie. Especially if you need some last-minute gift ideas for a dog lover. They have so many unique items in their store and they do have some items that are affordable for the penny-pinching dog that still wants to be fashionable.
‘Luxury boutique, spa and daycare”, is how they describe themselves and I’m not sure I could come up with a good enough way to describe my impression of this store. “WOW” came out of my mouth a lot and I was pretty much speechless to define just how impressed I was. A really different kind of pet store than I’m used to and a different breed of dog-owner too. A pug with a mohawk from head to tail belongs to one of the owners and they can shave stars or other designs into your dogs fur. Dogs with their new pawdicures and Christmas stencils on the pinky toe, because that’s the toe nail that will show it off the best, were coming and going from the Shop all day long. The Pet Shop Boys have a very caring and generous clientele.
These guys think of everything! There isn’t a square inch of that store that hasn’t had a lot of thought put into it and I’m sure people go in there and wish they had thought of it first. No effort is too much for these dogs and I’m sure the treatment they receive rivals some of the best spas for humans. They have dog daycare and they walk the dogs regularly throughout the day (which minimizes indoor waste). They have matching Shop raincoats for this little trek and some dogs even went on an outdoor adventure hike in the afternoon. They jumped in the truck and headed out for some off-leash time.
They have fabulous antique dog beds, plush pillows, doggie couture and grooming products. You just don’t see these items anywhere else. They even have ‘business bags’ that dangle from the leash and dispense doggy bags for pooper scooping. I think a visit to this store is well worth the trip to 15th and Cambie. Especially if you need some last-minute gift ideas for a dog lover. They have so many unique items in their store and they do have some items that are affordable for the penny-pinching dog that still wants to be fashionable.
Thanks for an awesome afternoon you guys…I will not forget this experience anytime soon.
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Owners: Christopher Steele (left) and David Rogowski (right) |
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Lucy - Fostered in Victoria
Wow....we're building a foster force throughout the Lower Mainland and the Island. Lucy got to go to school as part of a presentation for a Grade 1 Class. I suspect she will be adopted pretty quickly too. I'm just imaging all the kids from the class going home and asking if they can adopt Lucy !!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
An updated from Ziggy's foster in North Vancouver
Ziggy is so easy and he just loves everybody he meets. He travels well in the car and knows go to bed (his bed). He plays really well with all dogs and he’s fine off leash. He loves the snow, long hikes and he runs by my side, doesn’t even pull on the leash. I take him to work every day and he just lies on his bed while people fuss over him, he usually does rounds around 12pm and performs tricks for treats, different people walk him daily and he respects everybody. He also has made my over weight husky- cross lose a couple pounds by trying to keep up with him. He appears to be fine with cats and ignores the ducks at the beach.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Ziggy is the dog to keep an eye on...
Today I visited Ziggy's foster in North Vancouver. Boy does he look like he's made himself at home. I'm hearing rave reviews and would be surprised if he isn't adopted into a super lucky home really quickly.
Ziggy is on Petfider at : http://www.petfinder.com/petdetail/18046908
Watch the Turtle Garden's blog in the coming week for an update from his Foster home.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
A final update on Abby
Abby has found her forever home. She is now living with a woman and her daughter in the Lower Mainland and will get great walks in the dog park and may even become a new jogging buddy. When I called them on Sunday to see how it was all going I got a very positive report that all was well. Good luck in your new home pretty girl!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Abby discovers the comfort of the couch.
I'm in my third week with Abby and no coaxing would get her on the couch. She wants to be on the floor and one time I brought her up onto the couch and she looked so uncomfortable that she got down right away. However, this last week my apartment has been a chilly 15 degrees....brrrr. This doesn't seem to phase Abby, I've even tried to cover her a bit with a blanket when she's on her bed and she's really not interested in me trying to make her any warmer 'thank you very much'.
The strange thing is that last night I fell asleep on the couch with a couple of blankets on and in the middle of the night she crawled up in front of me and curled up for a good long while. I sometimes get bad nightmares, and I have been known to sleep walk and talk so to be honest I'm not sure if maybe she was bothered by my restless sleep and felt the need to curl up with me as a comfort or if she finally just decided that the couch looked comfortable afterall. Dogs are so sensitive to our mental and physical health that I personally think it's because she thought I needed her. Either way, it sure was easier to sleep when she was nearby and warming me up. Dogs are so cool!!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Abby works on her Aikiou
I gave Abby the Aikiou dish and she's worked it out pretty well but still has some trouble with the center spinning portion. She sometimes ends up with the whole thing upside down when she can't get that last few pieces out of the middle. Dog pepperoni from Tisol was the incentive on this one.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
You can lead a dog to water....
A few nights ago I called Yvette and asked for some advice. Abby knows how to walk really well on a leash but every few walks she gets really stubborn about being on the look-out for little critters rather than pay attention to the walk. I have tried 3 different collars that I have and several different techniques to get her attention. I was getting somewhat frustrated.
Yvette always has good suggestions, however as I was talking to her and telling her all the things I’ve tried already a light-bulb went on in my head that perhaps my expectations were too high. Some training just isn’t going to sink in on the first few tries or even the first few weeks. Dogs can’t always give you instant results. They might learn to sit or shake a paw quickly but asking them to ignore their prey drive is a tough one. So, out the door we went and I was determined to have the patience of dog rescuer with 30 pups (any ideas who I’m referring to?). Every time Abby got ahead of me I stopped. She would get to the end of the leash and she would take her time looking around ….I’m sure she was thinking how nice it was of me to stop so she could get a good look at everything. Once she realized I was waiting she would hop back into place alongside me. I still would not move forward until she was exactly beside me and she looked up to make eye contact. Only then, did we move forward again. We did this our whole walk. She figured it out quickly that we wouldn’t move until she looked at me but I could see her almost resist the urge to look at me too quickly, almost like she didn’t want me to win the battle. She would look almost everywhere but at me. I out-waited her and what should have been a 15 minute walk took just over an hour. Probably very mentally tiring for her.
So… last night we went for a walk and man was she ever good on the leash. I also took the clicker and some treats with me and for the first time I had enough of her attention to do clicker training outside on a walk. So….patience has definitely been the key with this smart dog.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Pics from Playful Paws Dog Daycare
Ariana, who works at the dog daycare sent me a couple of pics of Abby from her days at daycare. She is doing really well there.
Friday, November 12, 2010
A full week for me 'n' Abby
This last week with Abby has been a good and interesting one. She has, at times, really tested my patience as her prey drive takes over her attention. She can be so focused on a pigeon that she is difficult to walk until the bird is out of sight but then we have had some completely awesome training sessions and some great walks where she is really focused on me and we have alot of fun walking, playing and training etc.
Abby went to her first couple of days at dog daycare on Monday and Tuesday of this week and I'm told she played really well with a couple of other dogs. She was part of a chasing game and wasn't bothered too much by the other dogs but when it came to sniff-and-be-sniffed she seems to be misinformed the only she is allowed to do the sniffing. On walks she will sniff and be sniffed but at dog daycare she was more overwhelmed at times and was a bit snarky about it. I'm told she does not go on the attack but does put out a warning. With a walk after daycare, we come home and she eats and then curls up on her bed and sleeps. Our evening walks have been the most productive and she heels at my side like a pro. We sure get alot of looks and comments from people. A well behaved dog, especially such a pretty one, gets the attention every time.
With all the fall leaves blowing around, at times she's gotten very excited thinking she sees a small critter running down the road....she hops on her hind legs to get a better vantage point and then finally realizes its just a leaf.
On Wednesday we were invited by Kensington Foundation to go to Tisol's in Vancouver. They were filming a commercial to drum up food for the pet food bank. We got to Tisol's and different groups had brought their animals as they weren't just looking for dogs to be in the commercial. So, I dared to take a prey-driven dog into a pet store with ferrets, kittens, large and small birds, rabbits and a large turtle. Abby let everyone know that the 'husky is here'. She was quite vocal but the funny (or not so funny) thing about it all was that she was whining about a stuffed sheep that she saw in the middle of the store. She was in such a state about it and walking away didn't calm her so finally we went right up to it and I tucked it under my arm. She really really wanted it....and I'm sure it wasn't to cuddle up to it. She finally lost interest in the toy and then she actually was able to see the turtle that was walking around and the ferret running free. She advanced us to first spot in the commercial so we could out of the store the quickest ; ). It was like taking a kid to a candy store. We came out with her moment of fame and a very generous donation of dog food which will be sent up to Turtle Gardens. They will hopefully send me a copy of the commercial and maybe I'll be able to share it on-line....but watch for Abby on TV in the meantime.
After we left Tisol I went to Granville Island and went through the center courtyard off the market, where all the birds congregate to snatch up some scraps from everyone's lunches. Our first pass through the birds was a bit out of control but our second pass through was much better and we even got to sit on a bench a soak up some sun. Abby had birds coming literally within a few feet of her and she was stretched out on her side, relaxed. She was such a good girl!
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Abby at the 'shoot' |
On Thursday a friend phoned me from the Bosley's in Richmond. There were a few wristbands left to get an autograph from Cesar and to be entered into the draw for $250 at Bosley's. I was close by so went down there. I got my wristband and we went for a walk on the dyke. We got back in time to be ushered in past Cesar in groups of 25 people at a time. It was a very rushed process. I know some people are fans of his and some aren't and I'm sure there's lots I may not know about the good and the bad people might have to say about him but it was still a rush to see him drive up, standing out of the sunroof of the SUV and the crowd cheering for him. He really doesn't look any different to me than he does on TV. I told him Abby was a fostered rescue dog and he said something nice about that, the picture was taken and then the next person came up behind me. I've heard people say his live show was very good. As always, me and Abby were a walking poster for TG (yes, she had a yellow TG bandana on, of course). It was quite crowded at times and lots of dogs. Abby got her back hairs up at times if dogs came in too close or too excited to greet her but on the flip side when we stopped anywhere for longer than a few minutes she laid down and wasn't fussed about getting going. Some people's dogs were straining against their leashes trying to get involved in all the excitement and Abby was such a gem as she just laid down by my feet.
Thursday night was off to curling and Abby slept in the back of the truck. Not a peep out of her. She has done really well with the brief times that I've left her so far. Anywhere from 15 minutes to 3 hours.
So, things on the agenda for the coming week are lots of good walks and continued clicker training and more dog meet and greet time on the street and at daycare. I really wouldn't say she isn't dog social because she does get along (and we know she certainly got along with lots of dogs up at TG) but she just needs to tolerate the initial approach better.
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"What an exhausting week" |
Monday, November 8, 2010
Abby is my new foster.
Abby - 2 year old, approx 50 lb, spayed female
When I first picked Abby up I was stunned at what a pretty dog she is. The pictures as good as they may be just don't do her justice. She is dainty, very very soft, agile and really smart. She is a failed adoption only due to her prey drive. The home she was in needed her to be more docile around sheep, chickens, etc and she just wanted too badly to get after them. She was perfect in every other way though and I can tell they have done some good training with her.
She has taken a couple of days to respond to me on a walk. At first she would listen and walk nicely on the leash but she was distracted on the walk and was on the look out for other animals. After our first few walks though she knows what I want from her, she has bonded with me a bit more and she is now paying more attention to me and is not pulling at the leash so much. She is a quick learner and I have started her with some clicker training. She is now making alot more eye contact and I think this might help her keep her attention on the walk once we get the clicker outdoors (we're just doing clicker conditioning to start). This is my first time with the clicker training and I have to say its very cool. Such a quick response feels so rewarding.
She is friendly with other dogs when we meet them although her back hairs stand up if the dog approaches too quickly and too exited. I imagine it is overwhelming for her so she gets nervous/scared. She is so friendly with people and is happy to be petted by anyone who stops to meet her. People stopping to look at her is a regular occurrence because of her good looks. People are constantly in awe of her and I've even had someone yell across the street about how pretty she is.
She rides quietly in the truck and is very quiet and mellow indoors. When we hang around home she lays down and sleeps. She is playful if prompted and she likes alot of the toys and will play with something on her own for a bit. Some toys have become off limit though because she gets too excited about tearing them apart. She will fetch an item a few times but then keeps the toy to herself.
She is housebroken and will hold her bladder quite a long time. On our first day together she asked for the door... she will put out a couple of 'husky' type whines to get your attention to make sure you know she needs out.
Abby is very affectionate and loves a good belly rub. If you come up to her while she's laying down you get shown her belly really quickly. It's hard to not want to pet her because she has such a beautiful coat.
Anyone would be lucky to adopt this sweet dog...I'm just trying to figure out what her perfect home would be. She does have so much potential for activity and I think she would make a great agility, rally-o, flyball kind of dog or even possibly someone who is dancing with dogs (I forget if there is a term for that?).
(I'm using a borrowed picture because I'm charging the battery in my camera....more pictures to come)
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Double Yahoo!!
Looks like I will have a dog again by Saturday. Hopefully we will have some rain-free evenings...good for dog walking. I will post a picture and reveal which dog I have after he/she comes to me.
The second yahoo is for Turtle Gardens making it into the #2 spot in the Pepsi Challenge. Keep voting so they can stay there!
The second yahoo is for Turtle Gardens making it into the #2 spot in the Pepsi Challenge. Keep voting so they can stay there!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Dogless in Richmond
So, it feels like forever since I've had a dog fostered with me. Rosie went a while ago to her new home and there hasn't been a dog run from up North yet. Those dog runs take alot of work for Turtle Gardens so I know I have to be patient until everything comes together to bring a van of dogs down. I usually spend my 'down time' doing things I don't normally do when I have a dog (going to movies, shopping for stuff I don't need, etc). Unfortunately I usually don't get as much walking in and I end up spending more money on things I don't need. Two very good reasons for me to have foster dogs !!
Another week and a bit and I should hopefully have another dog to show the sights in the Lower Mainland. I will have a canopy on my truck by then making it easier for me to work on testing each dogs ability to be left alone. Usually in the first one or two weeks of a new foster it's really hard to trust leaving them in the vehicle when you go into a store for a few mintues, as I value my upholstery. I also don't leave them alone in my apartment for fear of them crying or barking and disturbing my neighbours. So far I haven't had a single complaint as I have had so many quiet, well behaved dogs. The most I leave them alone at home is to go upstairs to the laundry room and they're usually sitting by the front door waiting for me to come back in (no crying or barking...just waiting).
The dogs I have fostered so far have been great with being alone in the vehicle for a short amount of time (usually under 15 minutes) but I'm always nervous leaving them for the first few times, not knowing what they will do alone in the vehicle. Adoptive homes typically want to know how a dog will do with being left alone, whether its for 15 minutes or 4 hours....so with a canopied truck I can give them a nice little 'den' that is virtually indestructible and I can test their ability to be left alone.
I have been fostering now for a year and a bit and I'm loving it! If anyone has any interest in fostering please contact Turtle Gardens and if you have any questions ask Yvette to pass me your email address. I'd be happy to talk to anyone about my own experience.
Another week and a bit and I should hopefully have another dog to show the sights in the Lower Mainland. I will have a canopy on my truck by then making it easier for me to work on testing each dogs ability to be left alone. Usually in the first one or two weeks of a new foster it's really hard to trust leaving them in the vehicle when you go into a store for a few mintues, as I value my upholstery. I also don't leave them alone in my apartment for fear of them crying or barking and disturbing my neighbours. So far I haven't had a single complaint as I have had so many quiet, well behaved dogs. The most I leave them alone at home is to go upstairs to the laundry room and they're usually sitting by the front door waiting for me to come back in (no crying or barking...just waiting).
The dogs I have fostered so far have been great with being alone in the vehicle for a short amount of time (usually under 15 minutes) but I'm always nervous leaving them for the first few times, not knowing what they will do alone in the vehicle. Adoptive homes typically want to know how a dog will do with being left alone, whether its for 15 minutes or 4 hours....so with a canopied truck I can give them a nice little 'den' that is virtually indestructible and I can test their ability to be left alone.
I have been fostering now for a year and a bit and I'm loving it! If anyone has any interest in fostering please contact Turtle Gardens and if you have any questions ask Yvette to pass me your email address. I'd be happy to talk to anyone about my own experience.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Rosie goes to her new home.
Rosie has been adopted by a retired couple in the Lower Mainland. Her new name is Molly and she will get lots of love, affection, attention, walks, etc.....all the makings of a great home! She has already passed the test with the grandkids and apparently she was very gentle with them. Good luck little girl!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Update on Rosie
Rosie is back with me and we are waiting to find the perfect home for her. The couple that she went to on an overnighter wanted a bit more time to think about adopting a dog. They loved Rosie and she seemed to have made herself right at home quite quickly.
I actually really missed her on the night she was gone. She's a great travel-in-the-car buddy and she is awesome company at home too.
Apparently when I left her for the overnighter she didn't whine for me so I think she will have no problem moving on to her new home.
I actually really missed her on the night she was gone. She's a great travel-in-the-car buddy and she is awesome company at home too.
Apparently when I left her for the overnighter she didn't whine for me so I think she will have no problem moving on to her new home.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Rosie loves her toys
Honestly I'm not sure if she loves this one toy or if it frustrates her more. It's a rubber tube with a tennis ball in it and its designed so the ball will never come out ; ) ....sorry Rosie
I'm not sure if this would be Rosie's first thanksgiving or not. If she is approximately 1 year old who is to say whether she was born or not by this time last year. We went to my sisters for a fabulous lunch (kudos to my sister the cook for the day). Rosie did really well with the other 2 dogs there, once everyone settled down. We took them to the lacrosse box and let them rip around and get their energy worn down. We had a good afternoon and Rosie slept on the trip home.
She is going for an overnight visit tonight with a potential adopter so I'm hopeful that all works well with that.
She is going for an overnight visit tonight with a potential adopter so I'm hopeful that all works well with that.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Rosie goes to the curling club.
I was supposed to curl last night but I have been battling a horrible cold this past week and with a blocked ear and vertigo I thought running around on the ice wasn't such a great idea. So, rather than have Rosie wait out in the parking lot, she came into the curling club with me and sat on my lap for 2 hours while we watched my team. She was a little nervous about all the people sliding on the ice but she settled on my lap quickly and fell asleep. She was a real hit with everyone and one of the curlers from my league was going home to show her partner Rosie's picture. She's the kind of dog you can take anywhere!
http://www.refresheverything.ca/turtlegardens - DON'T FORGET TO VOTE DAILY FOR TURTLE GARDENS
http://www.refresheverything.ca/turtlegardens - DON'T FORGET TO VOTE DAILY FOR TURTLE GARDENS
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Rosie - 1 week update
Rosie – 1 week update / Fostered in Richmond
Rosie is cute, funny, cuddly and well behaved. She does not have the little dog attitude and in fact I think she believes she is a bigger dog than she is. When we walk down the street she is really good on the leash – either walking beside or slightly behind. Although once we stop sometimes she likes to get to the end of the leash to smell whatever is around. When we come across other dogs she does not pull to get to them and she is friendly and not overly excited about the greeting. She definitely likes people and is really happy to solicit a pat from anyone nearby. She is not much for barking although if she sees something that looks out of place when we’re walking she will bark (i.e. like someone cutting through a hedge or lurking about). She is quickly corrected and is learning to ignore things when I ask her to. She has come very close to cats and rabbits and she shows very little interest.
Rosie takes grooming very well. She sits there very stoically and doesn’t protest. When we come home from a walk and I dry her off she seems to really enjoy it, until you get to drying her face and then it’s playtime. She likes most of the toys that I have and she shows some interest in fetching items back to me.
She doesn’t jump up at me and she waits until she’s invited to get on the couch. If refused, she goes and lays on her bed. She is such an easy dog to have around. She’ll go for a good walk and she also likes down-time at home. One of our regular walks is to a field nearby and she loves to run circles around me and pick up clumps of the cut grass. She zooms past you, mouth wide open and ears flapping and its hard not to laugh at her.
She gets excited to go to dog daycare and the staff at Playful Paws tell me that she plays a little bit with the other dogs, but mostly she likes to just hang out. She rides in the vehicle really well. She sits in the spot you give her and either looks out the window or lays down.
Rosie is housebroken and has learned to ‘sit’, is learning the command ‘stay’, and she walks nicely on the leash. She may not be the prettiest dog but she sure is cute with tons of character. People can’t help but smile when they see her coming down the sidewalk.
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Drying off after our walk |
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
I am currently fostering Rosie for TG K9 Rescue.
September 27, 2010 update:
Rosie - Fostered in Richmond
I'm sending a day 2 update because I just can't help but send you the photos of Rosie after her bath. I stopped at a friend of TG's house on my way home with Rosie and they jumped forward with the offer of a bath for Rosie....who's going to refuse that? So she was bathed and dried and even got her nails clipped (thank you thank you thank you....I'd love to name names but not sure they'd want that or not). She took it all very well, she was quite stoic really. Her hind end has not caught up to the front which has already shed the longer coat...so she looks a little mismatched at the moment but what a cutie she is. When we got home she ate some food, drank some water and then slept for a while. We went out walking and she did super good on the leash. Once we got going there was no pulling and she walked beside or slightly behind me, constantly looking up at me to check in. She showed minimal interest in the cats we've come up to (within a foot of one of the cats) and she was quite good when we ran into the wild rabbits in my neighbourhood. She is cuddly although she doesn't jump on your lap or jump up much...maybe she thinks she's bigger than she is. On our walk she showed alot of curiousity for where everyone was going and she was friendly and wanted to go up to anyone who extended a hand for a pat. She slept through the night well and when we showed up at dog daycare this morning she whined at their door to get in....I guess she could hear the dogs on the other side and wanted to get going on her first day.
p.s. She really seems to like riding in the truck which I assume I can thank Dave for having taken her in the Van everywhere.
What a little character she is. Playful, cuddly, a teeny bit snorty (which adds to her charm) and who can resist that little underbite that she shows occassionally.
September 27, 2010 update:
Rosie - Fostered in Richmond
I'm sending a day 2 update because I just can't help but send you the photos of Rosie after her bath. I stopped at a friend of TG's house on my way home with Rosie and they jumped forward with the offer of a bath for Rosie....who's going to refuse that? So she was bathed and dried and even got her nails clipped (thank you thank you thank you....I'd love to name names but not sure they'd want that or not). She took it all very well, she was quite stoic really. Her hind end has not caught up to the front which has already shed the longer coat...so she looks a little mismatched at the moment but what a cutie she is. When we got home she ate some food, drank some water and then slept for a while. We went out walking and she did super good on the leash. Once we got going there was no pulling and she walked beside or slightly behind me, constantly looking up at me to check in. She showed minimal interest in the cats we've come up to (within a foot of one of the cats) and she was quite good when we ran into the wild rabbits in my neighbourhood. She is cuddly although she doesn't jump on your lap or jump up much...maybe she thinks she's bigger than she is. On our walk she showed alot of curiousity for where everyone was going and she was friendly and wanted to go up to anyone who extended a hand for a pat. She slept through the night well and when we showed up at dog daycare this morning she whined at their door to get in....I guess she could hear the dogs on the other side and wanted to get going on her first day.
p.s. She really seems to like riding in the truck which I assume I can thank Dave for having taken her in the Van everywhere.
What a little character she is. Playful, cuddly, a teeny bit snorty (which adds to her charm) and who can resist that little underbite that she shows occassionally.
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