Wednesday, November 6, 2013


The last while has been pretty uneventful.  Walks at the beach, a walk at Deas Park, figure 8 zoomies, and a very big beautiful mushroom.

Walking at MacDonald Beach
As we were heading down the back pathway at the beach we came across this:

For reference I took Sunshine's picture next to it.  She may be little but this mushroom was still pretty big!

I think Sunshine is starting to associate the end of a walk with food.  Usually we finish a walk and she comes home to dinner, so when we're heading back in the direction we started from I noticed she starts licking her chops more.  

"Did you say we're going?"

"That means dinner right?"

Sunshine's off leash skills can make it hard to film her walking...I usually have to film beside me or slightly behind (I know, I know...a problem lots of people wish they had!)

After the beach Sunshine demonstrates how much she really loves her comforts!  It was impossible to resist this bed at the thrift store.  $5.00 worth of fluffy cushioning and she can get pressed in there so deep you almost don't see her.  It's a good bed for her as it prevents any draft from reaching her and when she curls up she can press the top of her head into the side and keep her ears warm.

As for the zoomies, she has been doing some running around at home while being quite playful, but when we came home after work one day last week she did her first zoomies in a full looping figure 8.  She did a few laps and then seemed satisfied that she'd burned off her energy.   It sure makes your day when you see a dog open up and do things like that for the first time.  It never stops being entertaining but there's something very special about those 'firsts'. 


Anonymous said...

Your "uneventful" walks are making for some neat nature photos and the pics. of tiny little Sunshine are priceless.
She looks like a dream Chi. given she is so quiet and well behaved. She looks really sweet.

Anonymous said...

p.s. I see you've purchased more than one or two sweaters/coats for her. She's wearing something different in every photo shoot.

Lisa B said...

I bought Sushine the t-shirt for $1.97 and the red turtle neck (couldn't help myself)...the rest thankfully is donated items. Dog fashion can be expensive ; )

p.s. Yes, she is a dream Chi...most people that meet her love her and say she's not what they expect a Chi to be.