Monday, January 14, 2013


Skittles is on a bit of a hunger strike right now, as he's waiting for something better to come along.  He did eat a bit of food at the barn on Saturday and ate some food when we got home Saturday afternoon.  On Sunday he ate a few pieces and then gave me 'the look'.   I added some sweet potato and he licked that off of the kibble and even picked up a few pieces of kibble to make sure he got all the good stuff off of both sides and then deposited the kibble on the floor.  So tonight, I added a spoonful of turkey/veg/rice baby food and again he licked that off of the kibble and left every piece clean.   I ate my dinner while he slept a bit and when I got up and picked up the plate off of the table this is what I got.....

Apparently someone has learned the fine art of looking adorable to get what he wants...or perhaps it comes natural to his breed.   Either way, he was happy to recreate the dance for me once I got the camera out.

He had his first day at daycare today and when I picked him up he was practically shuffling with being tired.  I was told that he did very well and that he played with quite a few dogs.  I suppose the entire new experience was enough to wipe him out.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwww ....
so what will he get for his cute communication?
... I am sure that being the soft hearted soul that you are... you'll cave in and make him a cheese omelette!

(kibble: blech )