Yesterday was 'dog run' day and when I first saw Little Man come out of the van I was not disappointed at all. He was everything I imagined he would be and more. He is so cute and pictures don't quite do him justice. He was a bit scared but mostly took the whole dog run process in stride. After a quick introduction to me he went into one of the stalls and whenever I checked in on him he was just watching everything going on or he was curled up napping. At the end of the dog run I went into the stall bring him out. He wigged out once I got a collar on him and held the collar to clip a leash on but I didn't let go and he quickly calmed down and let me leash him up. I took him out of the stall and he just hung out. He seemed to recognize that he was with me and he went easily with me on the leash. I loaded him into my truck and he settled in and napped most of the way home.
He approaches most new things a little tentatively but learns so quickly what is safe and relaxes. He made himself at home right away, ate food, drank water and then had a nap. We went out for a long walk and when we headed out on to the main road he was afraid of the approaching traffic but he motored throught it and realized that too wasn't anything to be afraid of. He will still be a bit of a work in progress with the heavy traffic and loud buses but he will learn. After our walk it was dinner for the human. He lays down and settles in pretty good, especially considering he's in a new place. At the end of the night I took a few toys out of the drawer and look out! ...this guy really likes the toys. That actually surprised me. He especially likes the ones that squeak and I'm sorry, but for that reason I took them away...he was going to become quickly annoying with them as he found that squeaker way too fast and too often. He was left with rope toys and some other chew toys which he still had fun with. He is self-entertaining and is such a funny little guy to watch.
Little Man finds 'his' spot on the couch. Coincidentally it
happens to be the same place as 'my' spot. |
He is very affectionate but is also a bit independent too. I can leave the room and he doesn't feel the need to follow me around. He really seems to like his comforts and will scratch at a blanket to fluff it up to the right shape and will even gently bite the blanket to lift and move it.
Last night he went up the stairs to bed quite easily, but this morning was another matter. "You want ME to go down THAT!?" You'd have thought I was asking him to bungee jump. He was taking so long to get over his fears and was building himself into a state so I picked him up and put him on the third stair down and he wagged his tail and looked a little bashful when he realized he was in fact quite safe. He went easily down the rest of the stairs and then I ran up and down a few times, with him keeping the same pace. He looked so darn proud of himself at the bottom, with high praise and encouragement from me.
When opened the door to my truck this morning he hopped into the back seat area and rode on top of two large dog beds with a blanket on top. He grabbed a corner with his mouth lifted it up and climbed in between the layers. Once there, I couldn't see a square inch of him.
After work today I picked him up at daycare. They said he got along with everyone but didn't play much. I think that he probably will play more as the week goes by, he was just figuring out the lay of the land. We stopped at a school field on the way home and he walks so politely on the leash but I could tell he had some zoomies in him. So back to the truck to get the 80' leash. He ripped up the school field. He is very playful and would come charging at me and whip on by. Seeing his reaction to a few thrown sticks I think he will really enjoy fetching once we find the perfect fetch toy for him.
Little Man on the couch after the run on the field. |
After a 10 minute power nap on the couch he came over to watch me type this blog. He must be exhausted from his busy day of new things because he didn't even want to stand or sit to eat his dinner.
More blogs, videos and pictures to come soon.