Tuesday, June 11, 2013


...and apparently some times you don't.  There are some foods that dogs manage to make comical.  Things like popcorn - either they are a fan or they will play with it, creeped out by the strange texture.  I gave Brynn half an almond and it proved to be a better toy than a treat. She would toss it around for a while, walk away, lay on the couch and then pounce on it again later, like it was offending her by being on the carpet still.  It was a real shame that I missed her best dive off the couch by not having the camera ready, but I did capture a few moments...

In adoption news, I had mentioned to Yvette that Brynn wasn't really telling me too much about what type of home she would like, which can make selection easy in some ways and difficult in others.  I did say that I wished that any home that adopted her would consider a bit of daycare still as she really does love it.  She can't wait to get in the door and see her daytime humans and her play buddies.  Well, my wish for her came true as a lady that already had a dog at the same daycare fell in love with Brynn last week.  So Brynn has gone overnight tonight to see how she fits in with her new four-legged soon to be sister Layla.  If all goes well Brynn will have her home and some consistency with her existing daycare....so cool!


Anonymous said...

That's very cool Lisa. Bryn is a cutey. Pups are such fun.

Anonymous said...

wow ' I 'am very pleased for her Lisa' she is a cutie pie' good on her' she will love her place to play & her new SIS'yaaayy' congrats to her new Mom' Polly b