Theeyo has an adoption pending and we're just working out the logistics of getting him home. His journey will include a short plane ride but it will be well worth it.
In the last week Theeyo has started to change a bit. He's more settled, walking better on leash, making more eye contact with me, barking at less things, and trying to eat less things off the ground. He is a great little dog with oodles of potential. We have continued to change his dinner routine to add more challenge. I can now ask him to go to his bed and wait for dinner and he won't move until I give him the 'okay'.
He has the sit and down hand signals figured out and is getting pretty good at 'stay' too. He seems to have a bit of a delay and its longer or shorter depending on what you're asking of him. For example, if you invite him up onto the couch he'll wait about 5-10 seconds and then come up. You only need to ask once and then ignore him and he will do it. Sometimes if I ask him to come to me you can see him process it, he pauses and then he'll come. He does better if you ask once and then give him time to think about it vs. asking over and over. He is also better about not barking if you ignore him vs. talking to him about the barking or trying to correct him. If he is more worried about something when he is barking, then I hold him close, no petting, and remain quiet and he calms faster than any other methods. He hardly barks at noises outside of my home anymore.
Something caught his attention outside...but no barking ; ) |
Much more relaxed when he knows its my dinner being prepared, not his. |
On Sunday, we went to MacDonald Beach and it was the first time I'd taken him there. He loved walking on the sand and I was happy to see that he didn't think the sand was worthy of eating. I was hesitant to let him off leash because so many smells and other dogs were catching his attention. I don't think he'd run away but I do think he'd get caught up in checking things out and maybe lose sight of me. We walked one end to the other and he was so happy to be there. Probably the happiest I've seen him so far. He was bouncy and playful with some dogs we met and he really wanted to run. So, towards the end of our walk I unclipped him and he raced back and forth on the sand. He ran about 50 or so feet away and turned to look at me and I ran the other direction and he caught up and then ran back again with me. I had no problem getting him back on leash and he'd burned off some steam. It was awesome to watch him run full tilt like that!
He was hesitant about the water but he followed me in a few times and I picked him up and put him in and he swam a few paddles and then looked quite pleased with himself. I think he will take to water quite easily especially if he has another dog to follow in and show him the ropes. He was really relaxed about me taking him in but I didn't push my luck and only went a few feet from the shore. I wish I had my camera with me for the day but first time to a new place I find it easier to focus on the dog's experience without taking pictures or video.
Theeyo loves the antler. Its one of his favorites. |
And I wanted to take a picture to show just how much Theeyo has come along in the last 7 weeks. The picture on the left is Theeyore in the first couple of days with me and the one on the right is a couple of days ago.
Theeyore isn't so much of an Eeyore anymore! |